We got the results of Sheridan's bone marrow aspiration today...she came in last week with 70% blasts (cancer cells) in her marrow and this week she is down to 25%, so we are making good progress. It's possible that next week she could be in remission so say a prayer :) We are still keeping our fingers crossed that we may be able to go home before the weekend. Her white counts came up today, but still need to be higher to get discharged.
Something I have not mentioned yet is how susceptible Sheridan is to infection. Her white counts (white blood cells fight infection) will be very low throughout this process. We love you all and want to see you all but need you to be VERY careful about germs when you visit. This means that if you think you may not feel right, do NOT come. If Sheridan gets a fever it is an automatic hospitalization for antibiotics. They have to be very careful because with a low white count her body will not fight off an infection and therefore she will need the antibiotics to do it for her. I am not sending this info to scare anyone, but rather so you can help us keep her healthy. ALL OF THIS APPLIES TO SAM AS WELL...we live in the same house, so if Sam gets something then she probably will get it, we need to keep him healthy in order to keep her healthy.
Everyone was so helpful after her heart surgery with following the rules and we made it through the entire 6 weeks without her getting sick in the middle of flu season. We are back to there again. We will be religious about hand washing and NOT KISSING Sheridan. We know that you love her very much, but kisses on the face pass germs. We simply cannot afford to share germs in any way. Also you will need to change your clothes before visiting Sheridan if you have been in public places like Target, schools, doctor's offices etc.
Another area that she is particularly at risk is in her digestive track. This means you must wash your hands before preparing her food and there can be NO sharing of food or drink with her. Let me know if you have any questions that we can answer :)
We will keep you posted if it looks like we are going home in the next few days :)
Kinsey at TMEA
2 weeks ago
Glad to hear the treatment is working. Prayers that you get to go home soon and that she remains healthy during the chemo.
ReplyDeleteJenna and Patrick - the Hendersons are praying for you and your family. Hang in there. You've got a lot of people pulling for you.