I haven't gotten to post until tonight, but Sheridan has been in the hospital since Monday. We came down because she needed to have her counts checked (they were low when she came for chemo on the 3rd). She needed red blood cells, which we were not surprised by because she had been very tired the week before. While we were waiting for the blood bank to get her transfusion ready she spiked a fever.
We spent the first night on the 5th floor in a surgical care unit because the 4th floor was full. They were able to move us back down to the 4th floor late on Tuesday night. Both Tues. & Wed. my dad came down during the day to hang with Sheridan while I went to work. Both Patrick and my mom had bad colds so we were trying to keep them out of here and not use up all of my leave. Sheridan had a great time with Papa! Wednesday night Mimi took over so Sam could get some Mommy time. I stayed with him and she stayed with Sheridan and I worked during the day. We went down for a visit on Thursday night and brought dinner from Beale Street :)
This afternoon I switched with my mom and will be here for the weekend...Sam will come down with Patrick to visit tomorrow (Sat.) during the day. It has been a lot going on but we made it work.
Tonight Jenn helped me set up Skype on my computer. Tiffany lent me her aircard so we can get on the internet in the room this weekend :) We talked to Jenn, Ryan, Abby and even the dogs, then Jeannie & Billy and ended the evening with Papa. Sheridan loved it! If you want to Skype with us send me a text :)
Sheridan is stuck for the moment because her counts have continued to drop since she was admitted. She also spiked new fevers both last night and tonight. They have continued the antibiotic all week to make sure they cover her since her immune system so compromised right now. They also do blood cultures everytime she spikes a new fever, but as of now everything has come back clear. So...she needs to stay fever free and her counts need to recover before we can go home. That will most likely be some time next week. We are hoping for sooner rather than later. This is very similar to what happened in the end of August when she was here for 2 weeks. Say some prayers that it is a shorter stay this time :) We'll keep you posted.
Kinsey at TMEA
2 weeks ago
Many prayers that you guys can get out of the hospital soon!!!